Jedes Projekt stellt seine eigenen Anforderungen, die diktieren, wie Facetten, Technologie, Marketing und die laufende Wartung - jeweils eine Kosten berücksichtigt werden. Aber wir möchten Ihnen eine Vorstellung von den Kosten, um Ihre Vision. Hier sind ein paar Vorschläge, die sich den Ball ins Rollen in kurzer Zeit. Verbringen Sie die Zeit, schreiben Sie Ihre Anforderungen
Es muss nicht allzu detailliert - aber es wird uns helfen, Ihre Vision. Wenn Sie wissen einfach nicht, welche Funktionen und / oder Funktionalität erforderlich sein, für eine Gebühr werden wir die Forschung und schreiben Sie die Anforderungen für / mit Ihnen. Dies kann eine gute Möglichkeit, unsere Beziehung auf die Probe gesetzt und eine bessere interne Erwartungen der Kosten und Umfang. Was ist Ihre ideale?
Sagen Sie uns, was Sie bereit sind, zu verbringen, malen Sie die ideale Szenario. Häufig wird es uns ermöglichen, zu entscheiden, welcher Ansatz und Technologie wären am besten geeignet für Ihr Projekt. Wir sind (wahrscheinlich) nicht auf das niedrigste Angebot für Ihr Projekt. Wenn Sie nur wollen Bang Ihrer Website aus - und ist allein Ihre Entscheidung basiert auf den Haushalt (ohne Rücksicht auf Qualität), können wir nicht für eine gute Passform für Sie. Gibt es Forschung
Scheint wie ein nicht braucht, aber in dieser Branche Preisgestaltung und Qualität kann sehr stark variieren. Ihre Optionen können von Ihrem Schwager Bob, auf eine Professional Creative Agentur - und es sei denn, Ihr Schwager Bob arbeitet an Kreativ-Agentur sagte, Chancen stehen nicht zu Ihren Gunsten. Ja, es ist Klischee, aber wahr - Sie bekommen, was Sie bezahlen. Okay, das ist toll, aber ich muss mehr wissen
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine grobe Übersicht über das, was einem typischen CMS-Projekt mit sich bringen würde. Hypothetische CMS-Projekt
* Projektmanagement, Sitzungen und Schriftwechsel über ein 8-Wochen-Frist: 40 Stunden * Forschung und Information Architecture (Competitive Analysis, Struktur-, Draht-Frames): 40 Stunden * Visual Design (One Design-Richtung): 30 Stunden * Front-End-Coding (Drehen Designs in HTML und CSS): 20 Stunden * Content-Management-System-Setup: 40 Stunden * Content-Migration-und CMS-Training: 20 Stunden * Qualitätssicherung und Prüfung: 10 Stunden
Für die Aufzeichnung, dass die insgesamt 200 Stunden über einen 8-Wochen-Frist.
Das ist natürlich sehr Ballpark. Jede Schätzung ist auf ein bestimmtes Projekt, und die Kosten werden je nach Ihren Bedürfnissen. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute für unsere aktuelle Preisliste. Bauen und sie wird kommen
Nicht unbedingt wahr. Andere Dinge zu berücksichtigen sind, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), Pay-per-Click und die laufende Wartung.
Um die Weihnachtszeit zu feiern, gibt iJoomla 20% Rabatt auf alle Produkte! Geben einfach ijoomlaxmas als promo code ein und schon bekoomst du 20% Rabatt. Die Goldgrube läuft bis Mitternacht, 2. Januar, und beginnt ... jetzt!
Joomla! provides plenty of flexibility when displaying your web content. Whether you are using Joomla! for a blog site, news or a website for a company, you'll find one or more content styles to showcase your information. You can also change the style of content dynamically depending on your preferences. Joomla calls how a page is laid out a layout. Use the guide below to understand which layouts are available and how you might use them.
Joomla! makes it extremely easy to add and display content. All content is placed where your mainbody tag in your template is located. There are three main types of layouts available in Joomla! and all of them can be customised via parameters. The display and parameters are set in the menu item used to display the content your working on. You create these layouts by creating a menu item and choosing how you want the content to display.
Blog layout
Blog layout will show a listing of all content items of the selected blog type (section or category) in the mainbody position of your template. It will give you the standard title, and Intro of each content article in that particular Category and/or Section. You can customise this layout via the use of the content parameters, (See Content Parameters) this is done from the menu not the section manager!
Blog Archive layout
A Blog Archive layout will give you a similar output of content as the normal Blog Display but will add at the top two dropdown boxes for Month and year plus a search button to allow users to search for all archived content from a specific month and year
Table layout
Table layout will simply give you a table of all the titles in that particular section or category. No intro will be displayed just the titles. You can set how many titles will be displayed in this table by Parameters. The table layout will also provide a filter section so that users can reorder, filter and set how many titles are listed on a single page (up to 50)
Wrappers allow you to place stand alone applications and 3rd party websites inside your Joomla! site. The content within a wrapper appears within the primary content area defined by the "mainbody" tag and allows you to display content to display them as part of your own site. A Wrapper will place an IFRAME into the content section of your website and wrap your standard template navigation around it so it appears in the same way a content item would.
Content Parameters
The parameters for each layout type can be found on the right hand side of the editor boxes in the menu item configuration screen. The parameters available depend largely on what kind of layout you are configuring.
.modifydate Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 May 2007 09:36 )
Got a question? With more than 100,000 members, the online forum at are a great resource for both new an experienced users. Go ahead, ask your toughest questions, the community is waiting to see what you're going to do with your Joomla! site.
Do you want to show off your new Joomla website? Go ahead, we have a section dedicated to that on our forum.
Do you want to join in?
If you think working with Joomla! is fun, wait until you start working on it. We're passionate about helping Joomla! users make the jump to becoming contributing members of the community, so there are many ways you can help Joomla's development:
Submit news about Joomla!. We syndicate all Joomla! related news on our news portal. If you have some Joomla! news that you would like to share with the community, please submit your short story, article, announcement or review here.
Report bugs and request features in our trackers. Please read Reporting bugs, for details on how we like our bug reports served up
Submit patches for new and/or fixed behavior. Please read Submitting patches, for details on how to submit a patch.
Join the developer forums and share your ideas for how to improve Joomla!. We're always open to suggestions, although we're likely to be skeptical of large-scale suggestions without some code to back it up.
Join any of the community working groups and bring your personal expertise to the Joomla! community. More info about the different working groups can be found here.
That's all you need to know if you'd like to join the Joomla! development community.
.modifydate Last Updated ( Thursday, 19 July 2007 09:38 )
As with previous releases, Joomla! provides a unified and easy-to-use framework for delivering content for websites of all kinds. To support the changing nature of the Internet and emerging web technologies, Joomla! required substantial restructuring of its core functionality and we also used this effort to simplify many challenges within the current user interface. Joomla! 1.5 has many new features.
.modifydate Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 May 2007 09:34 )
Out of the box, Joomla does a great job of managing the content needed to make your website sing. But for many people, the true power of Joomla! lies in the application framework that makes it possible for thousands of developers around the world to create powerful add-ons that are called extensions. An extension is used to add capabilities to Joomla! that do not exist in the base core code. Here are just some examples of the hundreds of available extensions:
Dynamic form builders
Business or organisational directories
Document management
Image and multimedia galleries
E-commerce and shopping cart engines
Forums and chat software
Email newsletters
Data collection and reporting tools
Banner advertising systems
Paid subscription services
and many, many more
You can find more examples over at our growing Joomla! Extensions Directory. Prepare to be amazed at the amount of exciting work produced by our active developer community!
You can read more about the specifics of these using the links in the article table of contents (another useful feature of Joomla!) at the top right or by clicking on the next link below.
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.modifydate Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 May 2009 12:34 )
I'm an avid user of the extension, and a problem I tend to have is I forget to add an editor_content.css file to my template to give us the white editor background, because I tend to use dark colored "body" colors or graphical body backgrounds.I'm wondering if we can add a "white background" editor_content.css file as one of the starting base files in a future update. It would make me very happy.
As with previous releases, Joomla! provides a unified and easy-to-use framework for delivering content for Web sites of all kinds. To support the changing nature of the Internet and emerging Web technologies, Joomla! required substantial restructuring of its core functionality and we also used this effort to simplify many challenges within the current user interface. Joomla! 1.5 has many new features.
Joomla! makes it easy to launch a website of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you're building a large online community, Joomla! allows you to deploy a site in minutes and add functionality as you need it. The hundreds of extensions will expand your site and allow you to deliver new services that expand your reach into the Internet.
The one thing about a website, it always changes! Joomla! makes it easy to add article, content, images, videos and more. Site administrators can edit and manage content 'in-context' by clicking the 'edit' link. Webmasters can also edit content though a graphical administration panel that give you complete control over your site.
With a library of hundreds of free extensions, you can add what you need as your site grows. Don't wait, look through the Joomla! extensions library today.