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Sunday, 13 May 2012 11:42

Spreading the Joomla!Love a Little Wider Featured

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Dear Joomlashack Friends,

It gives us great pleasure to welcome Brian Teeman to The Shack.  As many of you may already know, since co-founding Joomla! and Open Source Matters in 2005, Brian has committed his every waking minute to sharing his love for Joomla and teaching people how to use Joomla the world over.  Just this year, he visited over 13 different countries where he taught how to use Joomla and participated as a key-note speaker at Joomla Day events.

Starting in January, Brian will take over the job of Director of the School of Joomla! at Joomlashack University from our good friend Forest Linden.  Forest will forever be one of the co-founders of our wonderful University and for that we will be eternally thankful.  Forest left big shoes to fill as he worked tirelessly during these last two years to create a comprehensive collection of lessons, classes, and video tutorials all in an unparalleled level of quality and ease of use.  There are not many people who could fill the void Forest has left behind, but we are confident Brian is more than up to the challenge.

Joomlashack was founded on September 2nd 2005, the day after the Joomla project got started. Since then, for almost 7 years, our history and Brian’s have run parallel and at times crossed paths and intertwined.  When asked about coming aboard and becoming one of the team members of the Shack, Brian had this to say:

“I’ve been fortunate to teach Joomla to a great number of people and I’m excited to have the opportunity to ‘Spread The Joomla Love’ to a wider audience... Joomlashack is one of the oldest and most respected Joomla companies’ out there, it is a great honour to join them.”

 We too are honored to have Brian join the Joomlashack Team.  His experience and keen Joomla insights will prove to be the driving force that will allow the School of Joomla! at Joomlashack University to prepare individuals and companies how to face the Joomla! web-design challenges 2012 will bring.