JA Community Plus is the October bonus Joomla! template, the design was handpicked from the Design Content held by JoomlArt in July 2010.
With JA Community Plus we have introduced probably the best Typography styles and along with many personalized styles for various display needs such as Video, contact page with embedded Google Map using our own JA Google Map Plugin and an amazing Slideshow layout.
Colors themes: (more colors coming up)
{jaloadposition japos="template_image_slider" source="folder" folder_images="/stories/templates/joomla/ja_communityplus/colors/"}
Feature list:
- Modern and beautiful web typeface
- Running on T3 Framework Version 2 new
- 3 columns layout based template
- More Colors with stable release
- Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
- inbuilt Google Fonts configuration new
- Inbuilt CSS and Javascript Compression new
- Joomla 1.5.x compatible
- Cross Browser Support

- 4 Menu options: JA Split menu, JA Css menu, JA Dropline menu, JA Mega menu
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check it ?
- CSS Validates Check it ?
- Valid 508 Accessibility
- Delivered with source .PSD and FONT files, Demo site sample database and detailed user guide which can be found in JA Community Plus download and JA Community Plus forum.
- Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization